Please feel free to post a memorial or in honor of your best friend. Feel fee to submit a photo as well.
In honor of our beautiful greyhound, Abby. A dog's love is as insidious as its hair. We find it clinging unexpectedly to our hearts as they gently insert themselves into the nooks and crannies of our lives. We can't begin to realize how often we think of them until they are gone. Does she need fed?... Does she need to go out?...Did I remember her medicine?...Is she comfortable?...Does she feel as loved by us as we feel loved by her? - One can only hope. We will feel her loss for such a long time. As the weeks and months pass, time will work it's mending on our tattered but thankful hearts. Little by little the pain will soften...until the day we pull on an old coat and there find a few of her hairs clinging to us softly. Our hearts will catch in our throats and it will remind us of the love and warmth she brought that will forever cling to our hearts. Thank you Lord for sending us the sweetest dog who ever lived. Please welcome her home. Written by Luana Hugel January 15, 2010
In loving memory of our little princess, Sara. You always brought a smile to our face as you'd prance around our feet to welcome us home after a long day of work.We miss those big sad eyes and your warm little body as you love'd to lay on our laps You might have been shy to straingers but we always knew how brave of a pup you really were. You showed us that up to your very last moments. We know you are still looking after us, our little guardian angel. June 12, 2007 - March 16, 2011 Love, Ricardo & Jamie Boyer ...and your brother Jack